Signal Converter Module from Various Analog Sources
The shunt resistor module is used to interface the signals from different analog sources (voltage transformers, current transformers, 4 to 20 mA loops, etc.) to the PES3 CEAR3 acquisition cards. This module connects the analog signals from the appropriate inputs of the CEAR3 acquisition card, and it also inserts an appropriate shunt resistor for current signals. This module is installed in a standard 19-inch frame.
Description of the 1UM module (MS16-1UM and MS32-1UM models)
The MS16-1UM and MS32-1UM modules can be configured to 16 or 32 inputs and the signals supported are:
Description of the 2UM module (MS16-2UM model)
The MS16-2UM module comprises 16 inputs and the types of signals supported for each input are:
The signal type selection is made by jumpers that are accessible from the outside, and different connections on the external terminals of the module. Each of the inputs is separated from the others.