Monitoring unit, current float monitoring

Monitoring the battery’s float current.

The BJ BATT is equipped to warn maintenance personnel of any abnormal conditions in the battery. This means that an assessment of the battery must be carried out using the maintenance procedures recommended by the battery manufacturer.

The “Float Current Charging Probe” (FCCP) is an independent battery monitoring system for batteries that measures the charge current required to maintain a full-charge status and detects the first signs of thermal runaway.


Monitoring the maintaining current reduces the frequency of maintenance operations, in line with the maintenance criteria established by the NERC PRC-005-2 for the maintenance of protective systems.

The BJ BATT includes:

  • A current probe to measure the float current required by a charged battery. The maintaining current is very low (a few milliamps) and enables the battery to be maintained at full charge.
  • Three temperature probes to measure the temperature of 2 battery cells, as well as the battery’s ambient temperature. Should the set parameters be exceeded, the charger activates alarms that signal either “high battery temperature” or “high ambient temperature”
    • Compatibility range (A) 2000
    • Measurement range (A) 0 to 5
    • Supply voltage (V DC) 18 to 60
    • Buffer zone in the event of an alarm, High = 6 hours, Low = Immediate
    • Response time (min) Max 30
    • Analog output resolution (mA) 5
    • Uncertainty (%) ± 0.5
    • Consumption (W) 2.7 to 3.3
    • Operating temperature -40°C to 60°C (-40°F to145°F)
    • Humidity 5% to 95% non-condensing