Frequency relay

The ALP series covers frequency protection for underfrequency, overfrequency and rate of change of frequency (ROCOF).

  • Precise frequency calculation (±0.001 Hz)
  • Provides one additional voltage input for validation of proper phase angle when reclosing into energized lines
  • DNP3 and IEC61850 GOOSE communication
  • Cybersecure to help meet NERC CIP requirements

Hardware configurations

  • ALP-2000 : Combination of twelve (12) current and voltage inputs, six (6) digital inputs, four (4) relay outputs, two (2) high-speed power outputs, up to four (4) fiber Ethernet ports


  • ALP-4000: Combination of twenty-four (24) current and voltage inputs in a single device, sixteen (16) digital inputs, sixteen (16) relay outputs, eight (8) high-speed power outputs, up to four (4) fiber Ethernet ports

Main characteristics and advantages:

  • Includes ANSI functions 27, 50, 50N, 51, 51N, 59, 67, 81, 81R and LOV
  • Programmable logic
  • DNP3 and IEC61850 GOOSE communication
  • Cybersecure to help meet NERC CIP requirements
  • Secured WEB server for easy and safe access to the relay settings, real-time measurements and oscillography recordings.